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Hello! We deal in hard-to-find Electronics, Office Equipment, Music Gear, Sporting Goods, Video Games, Household Tools, Typewriters, Turntables, Reel to Reel tape decks, and many other great items! I aim for high quality items, service, and safe (fast!) packaging and delivery of your purchase.  I also handle repairs, refurbishing, and restoration of vintage and newer electronics and music gear, and typewriters.  Let me know what the problem is, and I will let you know what I can do to help!  Thanks for visiting!


******Questions about your order?*****

I personally handle every item from start to finish.  I work hard to properly describe and deliver a quality item quickly and safely, so my customers leave happy. There's no other right way to do it. If something didn't happen right with your order, please first take a moment to contact me with your concerns before opening a return or leaving feedback, regardless of where you made your purchase from me.  I respond quickly, often same day.  Have no fear, I will work to resolve any concern you may have.  I love what I do, and I will do what it takes for everyone to be happy so I can keep doing this.  Please feel free to contact me any time using the form below.

Your business is truly appreciated, and I look forward to earning your positive feedback and 5-star ratings. Thank you!


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Use the form below to contact Logan for information about items in stock, or service after your purchase:

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